Welcome to the eNRR

NRR Information Security Policy

Step 1 of 5: Acknowledgement and Acceptance of NRR Information Security Policy


This document has been produced to ensure that:

  • A higher level of security in terms of patients’ information confidentiality, centre confidentiality, integrity and availability of data information is maintained at all time.
  • All sites users and site coordinators are aware of their authority and accountabilities as stated in the NRR Authorization Form.
  • All site users are aware of that NRR is governed and operated based on various approvals and policies such as Personal Data Protection Notice and Privacy Policy which are available in the NRR Website and thus should ensure compliance with the stipulated policies.



   A) User Level
  1. Provide true and up to date information about yourself to the registry in the MyProfile page
  2. Do not disclose your user ID or password to anyone else. Each of the activity in the web application has an audit trail.
  3. Do not give your mobile phone to anybody else while logging into the web application.
  4. Log in the pin number immediately after receiving the number via SMS.
  5. Users are responsible to update/edit their own centre data.
  6. Should the user lose his/her mobile phone or change a new mobile phone number, he/she should inform the Doctor in-charge / Site Coordinator who shall than officially inform the NRR coordinator via web. (Document: User –Change Details Link)
  7. Should the user forget his/her password, please login at the Forgot Your Password at the main page of the web application. It is compulsory for user to provide correct registered login ‘User Name’ and “e-mail address’ or ‘mobile phone’ for verification. The password will be sent via mobile phone.
  8. Please read password management as per Appendix A (Security Practices)


   B) Centre/Institution Level
  1. Provide true and up to date information about my centre to the registry in the Centre Information / Centre Survey page
  2. Agree to allow other authorized users within the same institution as per Authorization List for their specific responsibilities.
  3. Ensure that your database is updated regularly to maintain its real-time accuracy.
  4. Agree to share aggregate data from your centre for the purpose of research by qualified researchers, or for any other purpose by persons demonstrating a need to access the NRR web application (s) following approval by the NRR Advisory Committee.
  5. The SDPs hold sole responsibility with regards to release of own patients’ data to any party concern. NRR would appreciate a notification of the purpose and details where applicable.


Information in this document is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without approval from the NRR Chairman.

I hereby ACKNOWLEDGE and ACCEPT that my access and use of the NRR Web applications shall be governed by this Security Policy.
Yes    No